Quest002.gif (10734 bytes)Exclaim.gif (1443 bytes)易於感知他人疾病且會受其影響


Chang Laoshi,                   April 26, 2002

How are you? Chang Laoshi

Last time I described “I have belly ache under left side of belly for past two months”. Actual on left of my belly about one 4 fingers away. I did blood tested last week. The result found I do have some kind of virus in the blood. Doctor gives me three kind of medical for two weeks. I have sonogram on abdomen yesterday.

This week I try to have my right feet put on my left leg during the work every hour for half of hour. I can meditation with left feet on the right leg not both feet. I am a programmer sitting all day doing the work this is a good practice. First day after few hours I was even hardly to walk.


  1. Do you have schedule visiting U. S. in the future?

  2. Is Tina could take class on May, 4 section?

  3. Sometime I can feel people sick even knowing where it is. That’s bother me become I did not immune from it sometime I felt I am sick. I understand one should have great heart and mercy to all. I know to be awareness all the time is only way I can do. Please give me advisory how to face this problem.

Sorry, for inconvenience I do not have Chinese word and do not know how to type Chinese. You can e-mail us with Chinese. Thanks, with deeply appreciation to you and your organization.





1.Last time I described “I have belly ache under left side of belly for past two months”. Actual on left of my belly about one 4 fingers away. I did blood tested last week. The result found I do have some kind of virus in the blood. Doctor gives me three kind of medical for two weeks. I have sonogram on abdomen yesterday. 大部份體質較弱者體內都有病毒,如流行感冒病毒(全身血中)、泡疹病毒(嘴唇周圍)等等,醫生用抗生素治療當然很好,若不能根治時可用一些草藥當茶飲用,這類茶包是清涼解毒者,可通腸、軟便及殺菌,請將您的地址mail給我們,當為您寄去試用。另一排毒方法是斷食排毒,用饑餓細胞方法,同時讓某種病毒衰弱或死亡,此斷食治療法要有人指導,但您可先學習守六齋日開始建立斷食的基礎,其方法在網站上文章中有提到,「問題小參」中也有人問,請自我搜尋參考,有問題再來mail詢問。

2.This week I try to have my right feet put on my left leg during the work every hour for half of hour. I can meditation with left feet on the right leg not both feet. I am a programmer sitting all day doing the work this is a good practice. First day after few hours I even hardly to walk. 您也真大膽,所謂初生之犢不怕虎,第一次坐就坐幾小時,因初學者血氣不通,坐久血行堵塞,當然會不良於行,好在只是第一天走路較困難,現在已較好點了罷!若有寄來地址時,我們會順便寄給您健康綁帶,可在電腦螢幕前坐著時綁腿,如此與盤腿交互使用會好一點的。使用法坐時僅綁膝蓋上一處,平躺休息或睡覺時要綁足踝、膝蓋上、膝蓋下三處,依次綁緊休息,過一段時間氣機就會上來,幫助血氣運行。

3.Do you have schedule visiting U. S. in the future? 數年前曾到美南萬緣寺舉行禪修共修,之後因上班關係不能常休假出國。但從今(2002)年七月份起,本人已申請提前退休,往後到世界各地去的機會定是很多的,能否去美國,當然要看因緣而定。


4.Is Tina could take class on May, 4 section?  您是否指「心中心法先修班」?若是,本班預計5月26日第一次上課,只要有皈依佛教的人,都是可以參加的。問題是您居住何處?若在美國要如何參加?而且是每週日上課一次,要連續約半年,不知要如何進行學習,或許可寄上課錄音帶給您,但不知能否體會臨場所說的。我想先給您我們同學在美國的電話,您可跟他連絡,試先借一套「打坐入門」的錄影帶,好好先觀看學習。若他手頭上沒現成的錄影帶,就到附近某佛教圖書館裡是可借到的。

5.Sometime I can feel people sick even knowing where it is. That’s bother me become I did not immune from it sometime I felt I am sick. I understand one should have great heart and mercy to all. I know to be awareness all the time is only way I can do. Please give me advisory how to face this problem. 此種現象是一心眼有開或稍為開的人所特有的現象,眾生同一體性,業緣共有,故您會體知很多事,知道別人的身心病痛,甚至會把別人的業障接收到您的身體、心中來。您若是菩薩心腸,剛好可為眾生離苦得樂盡一份心力,這就是菩薩所當為者。問題是您要學習諸多的佛法,包括世間智、出世間智,才能使自己身心在受業障時能自在、無礙。色身要自在就要學一些色身調理的方法,心要自在就要修練空、無相、無願等三三昧,如證得就可轉阿賴耶識對內外因緣的執著,當不會為眾生業障所黏著,這部份才是真正的佛法、解脫道的修證。要怎麼才能用功學習,這是一個大問題,也不是三言兩語所能交代清楚的。網路上的各種文章都是修行時用得到的,希能您好好研讀體會。至於心法部份在未證得空以前,是不宜用有為法來對治一切境的,現在為要證入空性,只能以忍辱法來度到彼岸,要修忍辱法就要學習很多的色身調理方法,總之自己不倒下去,最後就是圓滿解決問題的時候。我說這些不知您能了悟我在說什麼?您是有菩薩道的基礎,現在要如何自利、利他,是要有人跟您解剖、指引,才能順利利他而自利。要自利先要利他,從自己為別人分憂解苦中學到無上心法,諸法由自性起,要由您自行體會。謝謝您的mail,若還有問題,可再來mail討論。

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